Jackie L. Michael Foundation Launches Website

The Jackie L. Michael Foundation launched their website over the Christmas holiday of the year 2020.

Jackie L. Michael’s lifetime dream opens new doors for animals, and those who love, respect and advocate for all living creatures, with the establishment of a new and unique foundation.

About Jackie L. Michael Foundation

Jackie was an entrepreneur who built a local home health care business,

Advantage Home Health Care, into a statewide operation.  A life-long lover of all kinds of animals, Jackie believed people should be judged on how they cared for the elderly and their animals.  As she passionately supported many animal organizations, including (Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) of Delaware County, a vision grew in her mind.  Jackie envisioned using her resources to establish a unique and innovative model for a foundation that would support animals by collaborating with like-thinking front-line organizations.   Also, providing others with an opportunity to leverage their resources and passions for a common cause – “Promoting the betterment of animals through activism, caring, education and collaboration.”

Prior to Jackie’s passing in 2016, she set in place plans to carryout her lifelong dream.  In 2019, the Jackie L. Michael Foundation was established by her husband, Paul Holeman.  The 501(c)(3) provides the structure for an ongoing, pro-active platform to assist in the betterment of animals’ lives, by engaging others with similar visions.

If you have a love for animals, they are many ways in which you can connect yourself and passions with the Jackie L. Michael Foundation.

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